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December 6, 2021 in Homeowners
Increase Home Value and Curb Appeal With DECRA Metal Roofing

The roof is one of the most prominent features of any home. The style, condition, and aesthetics of the roof can impact...

September 13, 2021 in Best Roof for my Region
Why Metal Roofing is the Best Choice for All Regions and All Seasons

A roof is the first line of defense against the elements. Therefore, it’s an important consideration when building,...

July 5, 2021 in Homeowners
What Homeowners Need to Know Before a Roof Replacement or Remodel

Even at the highest end of the real estate spectrum, homes are encumbered with less than optimal roofing systems....

November 30, 2020 in What is Metal Roofing
DECRA Metal Roofing Conducts Higher Testing Standards

Since DECRA products are engineered to withstand anything Mother Nature can dish out, we submit all products for...