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Are Metal Roofs Good for Winter Climates?

Are Metal Roofs Good for Winter Climates?

When it comes to roofing, many homeowners have questions about prices. While it’s important to find a material that fits within your budget, it’s equally important to consider the climate in which you reside.

Do you live in an area prone to snow and ice? If so, you want the protection of a stone-coated metal roof over your head. While conventional roofing materials like asphalt are cheaper, it's important to remember that you get what you pay for in the long-term. Metal roofing has a lifespan that is two-three times longer than traditional roofing materials like asphalt, tile, and wood.

Meaning, the durability and longevity you get from DECRA Metal Roofing can save homeowners money, while providing the peace of mind that it can last longer than other products – no matter the season.

Knowing winter weather is especially hard on homes, we answer common questions from homeowners about metal roofs and their benefits for winter climates below.

Are metal roofs good for snow?

Have you ever noticed how ice dams form at a roof’s eave? This happens when heat loss through the roof melts snow on its surface. The meltwater then flows to the eave overhang, where it refreezes. This ongoing process causes ice to build up and create a dam that prevents water from properly draining off the roof. Consequently, pooled water can back up and go under the roofing system to cause cracks, leaks, and other issues.

DECRA metal roofs are designed with an insulating airspace between the roof deck and panel to decrease ice dam formation to prevent roof leaks. We also see many contractors using a self-sealing peel-and-stick membrane that seals around the fastener shanks to protect your roof against the elements further.

Do I need snow guards on my roof?

Depending on the roofing material, some homeowners use snow guards to control the rate at which snow and ice melts from a roof’s surface.

While you may choose to have them installed, DECRA metal roofs do not require snow guards because they keep a consistent temperature across the entire roofing area, including the eaves. This is a huge benefit to homeowners as it maximizes the roof’s energy efficiency and keeps heating costs down, which can add up.

This means after installing a DECRA roof, homeowners no longer have to worry about heat loss via their attic or roof, and they can remain comfortable indoors.

Can you replace a roof in the winter?

While you don’t normally see roofing crews working in the winter, you can install metal roofing year-round. And unlike asphalt shingles, which generally can’t be installed at temperatures below 45 degrees as they may become brittle and break during installation, our products offer a great solution for those living in areas that experience lower temperatures.

This is because DECRA’s stone-coated metal roofs are built to protect against even the most extreme climates. The protective layers of the panels and the unique interlocking system provides more durability compared to conventional roofing materials that are vulnerable to hot and cold extremes.

What are the best roofing materials for homes?

Colder climates shorten the lifespan of conventional roofing products when cracking and lifting occurs due to repeated expansion and shrinkage.

DECRA products are non-porous, making them an ideal roofing solution for winter homes because they resist snow and ice that can freeze and thaw. They also provide protection against other elements, such as hail and wind.

The overlapping nature of the panels give DECRA roofs one of the highest wind uplift ratings on the market. DECRA also has the highest possible UL2218 Class 4 impact rating and is warrantied for hail up to 2.5 inches in diameter.

So no matter the weather, the impact-resistant strength of stone-coated metal allows it to be one of the top defenses against snow, ice, wind, and hail. This makes metal among the top materials on the market today for homeowners.

Protect Your Home Against Snow and Ice With DECRA

Unlike other materials, DECRA products don’t break down when exposed to the elements. They protect against dangerous ice dams that can put people and property below at risk. And, they can be installed any time of year without the need for snow guards. For more information about the shear durability and longevity of DECRA Metal Roofing, plus answers to your questions, contact one of our roofing advisors today.

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